Peg’s Story - IBS: C & D (mostly D)

I had my 85th birthday four months into the process of working with Russell and his protocol to help my gut to normalize. The life changes inherently requested in and by this process have been challenging for me.

Old habits and belief systems die hard and had to be addressed and let go of in order to accept a healthier relationship with my aging body.


Hanging on to these old ways of being were not serving me (and never had). It was time to stop giving lip service to my desire to age gracefully and take responsibility for my failing health!

 It was time to put my money where mouth was!

(I am good at "lip service”!)

 I needed this wise and experienced coach to assist and support me and keep me “honest” as I claimed this new relationship with my aging body. As I moved through the protocol with Russell by my side (and he was ALWAYS there when I needed him) and with his patient guidance I slowly began to experience changes in how I was feeling.

I had more energy and began to move through the territory of my recovery with a renewed determination to “stick with it!” I had found a patient, kind and knowledgeable human-being to listen to me, educate me and help me to follow through. 

My body was experiencing what it needed to normalize, finally, after so many years.

Before I found Russell, I think I thought it was not possible to overcome my disabilities which had been with me for so long. It was too late. I was too old!

“You are never too old to heal.” Russell would tell me.

Finally, my body and mind were getting the help they needed to normalize after so many years of insults and ignorance about the important issue of gut health and the health of the microbiome.

As Russell has said to me so many times during the past few months: “Everything is downstream of the microbiome!” I understand this to mean that many challenging, problematic and negative symptoms are caused by an unhealthy microbiome. Conversely all positive and complementary symptoms of health throughout the whole body have a big part of their origin in a healthy microbiome.

I really didn’t understand all this before but I am sure on some deep level I did intuit it or I wouldn’t have reached out to Russell in the first place!

In any case, I have been validated by the many positive physical changes I have experienced in these 8 months of working with Russell. My many years of dysfunctional  digestive performance; the issue of constipation and then urgency and frequency is now replaced by a dependable and a “healthy bowel performance” I can rely on.

I have lost 30 pounds that just dropped away without my hardly noticing. Weight loss has been an elusive goal and a constant juggling act for all my adult years. I have more energy than before and the years that eczema tormented my neck and ears with itching, redness and flaking skin is no longer an issue.

I feel better than I have in years. I am so grateful to share this testimonial with the readers of Russell’s website and books.

My passion is to help others to know that emotional, physical and spiritual help is there for the asking. I am so grateful that I was led to Russell by a treasured friend and that I had the courage to reach out to him to help me.

Blessed be!

Peg Holcomb (age 85)

Amherst, Massachusetts

August 2020